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Freshwater Invasives – Networking for Strategy
9th to 11th April 2013, Galway Bay Hotel and Conference Centre
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List of Speakers
Anthony Ricciardi
Birgit Oidtmann
Frances Williams
Helen Roy
Hugh MacIsaac
Jarle Steinkjer
Joe Caffrey
Niall Moore
Olaf LF Weyl
Philip Hulme
Stephen Hynes
Toril Loennechen Moen
A new generation risk assessments of alien species
Biosecurity Initiatives to Empower Stakeholders in the Fight against Aquatic Invasive Species
Biosecurity: where invasive species and regulatory policies collide
Developing invasive non-native species policy: co-ordination, prioritisation and delivery
Forecasting the impacts of introduced species: a major challenge for risk assessment
International and national and biosecurity strategies in aquatic animal health
Linking Invasive Alien Species information across Europe
Managing alien fish invasions in South Africa
Pathways for introduction of alien invasive species exclusive of international shipping: a Canadian experience
Some economic aspects of the introduced Atlantic salmon parasite Gyrodactylus salaris in Norway
The Economic Costs of Invasive Alien Species to the GB Economy
The Economics of Aquatic Invasive Species
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Conference photos
A selection of photographs from the FINS Conference Launch and the first days of presentations.
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